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Three factors are characterizing the current status of methodology of training system:


  1. the probability to discover new, original and very effective training means is very low now. There are many effective means already discovered. The best way to improve the results comes from the method and system that uses them;
  2. the volume of training loads achieved the limit of reasonableness. Today the professional athletes are training about 8 hours per day, 2-4 times during the day, near to 1,700 hours per year. It’s quite impossible imagine any further increase of load volume. We should look for models that assure a most rational use of the training loads over the year cycle;
  3. today there is the tendency to increase the intensity of the training work to increase the effectiveness of the training process, especially for the top class athlete. This is an expedient that needs to be used very carefully according to the qualification of athletes, the level of their preparedness and the calendar of competitions.


We suggest you a way that can give a solution to these problems.



Special Strength Training

Special Physical Preparation (SPP)

Programming of Training

·   Typologies of  strength capacity and means and method of training


·   The principle of Dynamic Correspondence between the strength exercises and the competition main exercises


·   The Shock Method for improving the explosive strength and the muscles reactive capacity (the so called Plyometric Training)


·   The System of training means: how to integrate the means between them to improve the explosive capacity (conjugated method and contiguous method)


·   The concept of exercise’s Training Potential and the Conjugate-Sequence System

·      The methodological principles


·      Means and methods


·      Organization of Special Physical Preparation


·      Special Physical Preparation  in the sprint, endurance and game sport


·      Supermethods of the  Special Physical Preparation


·      Programming of training: an advanced process of training design and planning


·      The differences between the concept of Programming and the concept of Periodization


·      The Conjugate Sequence method of training loads organization


·      Block System: the basic model to build the year cycle program for high level athletes


·      Year cycle training: models for different sports



Articles in English language (published as they have been translated in other sites)   Minimize
 TitleCategoryModified DateSize (Kb) 
Specific Features of the DecathlonEnglish articles9/23/2015250.98Download
Quickness and VelocityEnglish articles9/23/2015286.05Download
The skills of programming the training process English articles9/23/20152,008.09Download
Speed Training for High Level AthletesEnglish articles9/23/2015900.33Download
Principles for training aimed at speed developmentEnglish articles9/23/2015373.45Download
Main Features of a Modern Scientific Sports Training TheoryEnglish articles9/23/2015695.80Download
Development of Special Strength in Speed Power EventsEnglish articles9/23/2015223.78Download
Organization principles for training of high performance athletesEnglish articles9/23/2015239.72Download
Organization of the Training ProcessEnglish articles9/23/2015486.97Download
Articles in Russian language   Minimize
 TitleCategoryModified DateSize (Kb) 
Art. R85-9 The evaluation method of the voluntary tension’ speed throughout the knee-bend ‘80 publications9/23/2015398.84Download
Art. R84-3 The problems of endurance training ‘80 publications9/23/20151,969.68Download
Art. R86-7 The influence of shock method on the electro-myographic parameters of explosive movement ‘80 publications9/23/2015301.59Download
Art. R86-1 The weight exercises as specialised means of physical preparation ‘80 publications9/23/20151,480.61Download
Art. R83-6 The management of training process in the year cycle ‘80 publications9/23/20151,193.80Download
Art. R82-1 The state-condition model of athlete in the year cycle and its role in the management of training process ‘80 publications9/23/20151,111.02Download
Art. R81-5 The theoretic and methodological approach to manage the training process ‘80 publications9/23/20151,013.27Download
Art. R83-5 The long term delay effect of strength loads ‘80 publications9/23/20151,120.15Download
Art. R82-6 The model of speed-strength preparation for the female discus throwing ‘80 publications9/23/2015523.93Download
Art. R87-5 Some rules of physical loans’ long term adaptation for athletes ‘80 publications9/23/20151,279.40Download
Art. R91-2 The principles of training organization in the year cycle of high level athletes ‘90 publications9/23/20151,827.74Download
Art. R89-6 The training system in the year cycle of middle distance running ‘80 publications9/23/20151,456.04Download
Art. R98-0 Organization of Complex Motor Actions of Athletes ‘90 publications9/23/20152,175.27Download
Art. R93-8 The actual problems of the modern theory and methodology of sport training ‘90 publications9/23/20151,083.90Download
Art. R89-1 Special endurance training for high level hockey players ‘80 publications9/23/20152,049.76Download
Art. R88-11 The dynamic of hit movement’s technique and the strength-speed parameters of young boxers‘80 publications9/23/2015563.60Download
Art. R88-1 The endurance as determining factor of movement’ speed in the long distance disciplines. ‘80 publications9/23/20151,654.91Download
Art. R88-5 The influence of preliminary muscular tensions on the expression of isometric speed strength ‘80 publications9/23/2015499.73Download
Art. R88-4 The year cycle programming of Special Physical Preparation for hockey players ‘80 publications9/23/20151,373.67Download
Art. R81-4 The improvement of training system for elite athletes in “strength speed” sport '80 publications9/23/20151,591.22Download
Art. 66-11 Some rules (laws) in the process of sport mastery’s development '60 publications9/23/2015816.19Download
Art. 65-7 The summer training of high jumpers'60 publications9/23/2015721.22Download
Art. 66-9b The prospects of strength speed preparation of high jumpers'60 publications9/23/2015706.40Download
Art. 66-9a The biodynamic structure of complex motor actions '60 publications9/23/2015198.08Download
Art. 64-7 The news in the Strength preparation of jumpers '60 publications9/23/2015489.66Download
Art 61-1 The triple jump forwarding 18 m. '60 publications9/23/2015494.57Download
Art 60-2 How to prepare Sport Masters at university'60 publications9/23/2015530.28Download
Art. 62-4 Training of the beginners in the high jumping'60 publications9/23/20151,076.82Download
Art 61-6 The barbell in the training of jumpers'60 publications9/23/2015795.34Download
ART. 67-12 Are the depth jumps useful?'60 publications9/23/2015414.52Download
Art. 76-1 The shock method for the development of explosive strength in hockey players training '70 publications9/23/20151,264.89Download
Art. 73-6 The components and functional structure of human explosive capacity '70 publications9/23/20151,367.46Download
Art. 79-2 The method to evaluate the speed strength capacity '70 publications9/23/2015680.11Download
Art. 77-1 The children’s factorial structure of speed strength capacity'70 publications9/23/2015946.30Download
Art. 71-9 The study of sportive technique biodynamic structure using the statistic method of multi factorial analysis'70 publications9/23/2015757.62Download
Art. 69-1 Some particularities of human work movements '60 publications9/23/20151,005.80Download
Art. 68-8 The Shock Method in the explosive strength development process '60 publications9/23/20151,376.79Download
Art. 71-6 Some rules about the dynamic of the plurennial strength speed preparation'70 publications9/23/20151,201.37Download
Art. 70-10 The jumping capacity: its structure and its specificity'70 publications9/23/2015979.39Download
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Shock Method  

Jump Training Guide for Beginners (EBook)

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€ 55 - UK, and most of European countries

USD 60 - USA&Canada, and Rest of the Word


Block Training System in endurance running (EBook)

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€ 60 - UK, and most of European countries

USD 65 - USA&Canada and Rest of the Word

Special Strength Training: Manual for Coaches

Block Training System in endurance running

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€ 55 - UK, and most of European countries

USD 60 - USA&Canada and Rest of the Word


EBooks – Special offer

Two EBoooks

Verkhoshansy's forum answers

Block Training System in endurance running

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