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Programminig of Training



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The “Physiological adaptation’ laws”, the determinant factors for the training process results.


1       The role of:

-    mechanism of Supercompensation;

-    specific and unspecific mechanisms of adaptation.

2       Current Adaptation Reserve of human body.

PT_AD1R - Some rules about the long term adaptation to physical loads of athletes  (Russian - 1987, 5)

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Concepts at the base of the methodological approach. The design and the planning of training.


1       Programming of training:

-    an advanced process of training design and planning (by activities/functions point of view);

-    the process to develop the sports mastery (by result point of view)

2      The differences between the concept of Programming and the concept of Periodization.

PT_MA1R - Some assumptions for an optimal management of the mastery’s training  process (Russian - 1966, 4)

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PT_MA2R - Rules (laws) in the process of sport mastery’s development (Russian - 1966, 11)

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PT_MA3R - The theoretic and methodological approach to manage the training process (Russian - 1981, 5)

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PT_MA4R - The management of training process in the year cycle (Russian - 1983, 6)

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PT_MA5E – Topical Problems of The Modern Theory and Methodology of Sports Training (English – 1996)

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PT_MA6E – Main Features of a Modern Scientific Sport Training Theory (English – 1998)

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PT_MA7E – Organization of the Training Process (English – 1998)

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PT_MA8E- The Skill of Programming the Training Process (English – 1999)


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The models to develop the training process


1       The basic elements to build  training models:

-  the long term delay effect of strength loads;

-  the integration of different kind of loads in Conjugate Sequence System (Block System).

2       The principles to plan the training loads in the year cycle and microcycle.

3      Year cycle training: models for different disciplines

PT_MD1R - Some rules about the dynamic of the pluriannual strength speed preparation (Russian - 1971, 6)

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PT_MD2R - The state-condition model of athlete in the year cycle and its role in the management of training process  (Russian - 1982, 1)

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PT_MD3R - The model of speed-strength preparation for the female discus throwing  (Russian - 1982, 6)

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PT_MD4R - The long term delay effect of strength loads (Russian - 1983, 5)

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PT_MD5R - Some rules of physical loans’ long term adaptation for athletes (Russian - 1987, 5)

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PT_MD6R - The training system in the year cycle of middle distance running (Russian - 1989, 6)

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PT_MD7R - The principles of training organization in the year cycle of high level athletes (Russian - 1991, 2)

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PT_MD8E – Organization Principles for  Training of High Performance Athletes (English – 1991)

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PT_MD9R - The actual problems of the modern theory and methodology of sport training (Russian - 1993, 8)

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PROGRAMMING of TRAINING - List of articles PROGRAMMING of TRAINING - List of articles   Minimize
 TitleOwnerCategoryModified DateSize (Kb) 
PT_MD4R - The long term delay effect of strength loads (Russian - 1983, 5)Administrator Verkhoshansky.comMODELS9/23/20151,120.15Download
PT_MD5R - Some rules of physical loans’ long term adaptation for athletes (Russian - 1987, 5)Administrator Verkhoshansky.comMODELS9/23/20151,279.40Download
PT_MD2R - The state-condition model of athlete in the year cycle and its role in the management of training process (Russian - 1982, 1)Administrator Verkhoshansky.comMODELS9/23/20151,111.02Download
PT_MD3R - The model of speed-strength preparation for the female discus throwing (Russian - 1982, 6)Administrator Verkhoshansky.comMODELS9/23/2015523.93Download
PT_MD6R - The training system in the year cycle of middle distance running (Russian - 1989, 6)Administrator Verkhoshansky.comMODELS9/23/20151,456.04Download
PT_MD9R - The actual problems of the modern theory and methodology of sport training (Russian - 1993, 8)Administrator Verkhoshansky.comMODELS9/23/20151,083.90Download
The skills of programming the training processAdministrator Verkhoshansky.com 9/23/20152,008.09Download
PT_MD7R - The principles of training organization in the year cycle of high level athletes (Russian - 1991, 2)Administrator Verkhoshansky.comMODELS9/23/20151,827.74Download
PT_MD8E – Organization Principles for Training of High Performance Athletes (English – 1991)Administrator Verkhoshansky.comMODELS9/23/2015239.72Download
PT_MA2R - Rules (laws) in the process of sport mastery’s development (Russian - 1966, 11)Administrator Verkhoshansky.comMETHODOLOGICAL APPROACH (Design&Planning)9/23/2015816.19Download
PT_MA3R - The theoretic and methodological approach to manage the training process (Russian - 1981, 5)Administrator Verkhoshansky.comMETHODOLOGICAL APPROACH (Design&Planning)9/23/20151,013.27Download
PT_AD1R - Some rules about the long term adaptation to physical loads of athletes (Russian - 1987, 5)Administrator Verkhoshansky.comPROGRAMMING & PHYSIOLOGICAL ADPTATION9/23/20151,279.40Download
PT_MA1R - Some assumptions for an optimal management of the mastery’s training process (Russian - 1966, 4)Administrator Verkhoshansky.comMETHODOLOGICAL APPROACH (Design&Planning)9/23/2015403.63Download
PT_MA4R - The management of training process in the year cycle (Russian - 1983, 6)Administrator Verkhoshansky.comMETHODOLOGICAL APPROACH (Design&Planning)9/23/20151,193.80Download
PT_MA7E – Organization of the Training Process (English – 1998)Administrator Verkhoshansky.comMETHODOLOGICAL APPROACH (Design&Planning)9/23/20151,729.79Download
PT_MD1R - Some rules about the dynamic of the pluriannual strength speed preparation (Russian - 1971, 6)Administrator Verkhoshansky.comMODELS9/23/20151,201.37Download
PT_MA5E – Topical Problems of The Modern Theory and Methodology of Sports Training (English – 1996 - SSTM n° 1))Administrator Verkhoshansky.comMETHODOLOGICAL APPROACH (Design&Planning)9/23/2015384.00Download
PT_MA6E – Main Features of a Modern Scientific Sport Training Theory (English – 1998)Administrator Verkhoshansky.comMETHODOLOGICAL APPROACH (Design&Planning)9/23/2015695.80Download
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