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Special Physical Preparation



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1.      Base of Special Physical Preparation


-     Role of weight exercise in the Condition Training.

-      Local Muscular Endurance: its mechanism  and training methods.

-      Programming of Strength & Condition Training.

SPP_BA1R - The problems of endurance training (Russian - 1984, 3)

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SPP_BA2R - The evaluation method of the voluntary tension’ speed throughout the knee-bend (Russian - 1985, 9)

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SPP_BA3R - The weight exercises as specialised means of physical preparation (Russian - 1986, 1)

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SPP_BA4R - The endurance as determining factor of movement’ speed in the long distance disciplines. (Russian – 1988, 1)

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SPP_BA5E – Quickness and Velocity (English – 1996, 1)

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SPP_BA6E - Principles for a rational organization of training process aimed at speed development (English – 1996, 3)

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2.      Special Physical Preparation applied to different sport disciplines


-      Structure of explosive strength capacity and methods to evaluate it.

-     Base of physical preparation finalized to develop the different components of strength capacity.

SPP_DD1R - The dynamic of hit movement’s technique and of the strength-speed parameters of young boxers. (Russian - 1988, 11)

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SPP_DD2R - The year cycle programming of Special Physical Preparation for hockey players (Russian – 1988, 4)

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SPP_DD3R - Special endurance training for high level hockey players (Russian - 1989, 1)

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SPP_DD4E – Speed Training for High Level Athlets (English – 1996, 2)

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SPP_DD5E – Specific Features of the Decathlon (English - 1987 )

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3.      Biomechanics aspects of Special Physical Preparation


-     The biodynamic structure of competition main exercises as referring point to establish the training goals of Special Physical Preparation (level of physical condition).

SPP_ZB1R - The biodynamic structure of complex motor actions (Russian - 1966,9a)

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SPP_ZB2R - The study of sportive technique biodynamic structure using the statistic method of multi factorial analysis (Russian - 1971, 9)

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SPP_ZB3R - Some particularities of human work movements (Russian - 1969, 1)

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SPECIAL PHYSICAL PREPARATION - List of articles   Minimize
 TitleCategoryModified DateSize (Kb) 
SPP_DD1R - The dynamic of hit movement’s technique and of the strength-speed parameters of young boxers. (Russian - 1988, 11)SPP for DIFFERENT DISCIPLINES9/23/2015563.60Download
SPP_DD1R - The dynamic of hit movement’s technique and of the strength-speed parameters of young boxers. (Russian - 1984)SPP for DIFFERENT DISCIPLINES9/23/20151,969.68Download
SPP_BA6E - Principles for a rational organization of training process aimed at speed development (English – 1996, 3)BASE of SPP9/23/2015373.45Download
SPP_DD2R - The year cycle programming of Special Physical Preparation for hockey players (Russian - 1988, 4) SPP for DIFFERENT DISCIPLINES9/23/20151,373.67Download
SPP_DD5E – Specific Features of the Decathlon (English - 1987)SPP for DIFFERENT DISCIPLINES9/23/2015250.98Download
SPP_DD4E – Speed Training for High Level Athlets (English – 1996, 2)SPP for DIFFERENT DISCIPLINES9/23/2015900.33Download
SPP_DD3R - Special endurance training for high level hockey players (Russian - 1989, 1)SPP for DIFFERENT DISCIPLINES9/23/20152,049.76Download
SPP_BA5E – Quickness and Velocity (English – 1996, 1)BASE of SPP9/23/2015286.05Download
SPP_ ZB3R - Some particularities of human work movements (Russian - 1969, 1)BIOMECHANICS & SPP9/23/20151,005.80Download
SPP_ ZB2R - The study of sportive technique biodynamic structure using the statistic method of multi factorial analysis (Russian - 1971, 9)BIOMECHANICS & SPP9/23/2015757.62Download
SPP_ ZB1R - The biodynamic structure of complex motor actions (Russian - 1966, 9a)BIOMECHANICS & SPP9/23/2015198.08Download
SPP_BA1R - The problems of endurance training (Russian - 1984, 3)BASE of SPP9/23/20151,969.68Download
SPP_BA4R - The endurance as determining factor of movement’ speed in the long distance disciplines. (Russian - 1988, 1)BASE of SPP9/23/20151,654.91Download
SPP_BA3R - The weight exercises as specialised means of physical preparation (Russian - 1986, 1) BASE of SPP9/23/20151,480.61Download
SPP_BA2R - The evaluation method of the voluntary tension’ speed throughout the knee-bend (Russian - 1985, 9)BASE of SPP9/23/2015398.84Download
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