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Special Strength Training



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1.     Shock Method


-     What is the Shock Method.

-      How it influences the explosive strength and reactive capacity of athletes.

-      How to use the Shock Method in the training of different disciplines.

SST_SM1R - Are the depth jumps useful? (Russian - 1967, 12)

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SST_SM2R - The Shock Method in the explosive strength development process (Russian - 1968, 8)

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SST_SM3R - The shock method for the development of explosive strength in hockey players training  (Russian - 1976, 1)

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SST_SM4R - The influence of shock method on the electro-myographic parameters of explosive movement (Russian - 1986, 7)

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2. The base of SST


-      The structure of explosive strength capacity and the methods to evaluate it.

-     The bases of physical preparation finalized to develop the different components of strength capacity.

SST_TB1R - The jumping capacity: its structure and its specificity (Russian - 1970, 10)

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SST_TB2R - The components and functional structure of human explosive capacity (Russian - 1973, 6)

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SST_TB3R - The children’s factorial structure of speed strength capacity (Russian - 1977, 1)

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SST_TB4R - The method to evaluate the speed strength capacity (Russian - 1979, 2)

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3. Special Strength Training in power sports

SST_TP1R - The improvement of training system for elite athletes in “strength speed” sport (Russian - 1981, 4)

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SST_TP2R - The influence of preliminary muscular tensions on the expression of isometric speed strength (Russian - 1988, 5)

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SST_TP3E – Development of Special Strength in Power Events (English – 1996)

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4. Training for jumpers


-      How to use the means in a integrated and consistent system.

-      The basic principles to introduce means in the training jumper system (Conjugate Sequence System).

SST_TJ1R - How to prepare Sport Masters at University (Russian - 1960, 2)

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SST_TJ2R - The triple jump forwarding 18 m. (Russian - 1961, 1)

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SST_TJ3R - The barbell in the training of jumpers (Russian - 1961, 6)

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SST_TJ4R - Training of a beginner in the high jumping (Russian - 1962, 4)

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SST_TJ5R - The prospects of strength speed preparation of high jumpers (Russian - 1966, 9b)

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5. Biomechanics aspects of Special Strength Training


-     The biodynamic structure of competition main exercises as referring point to establish the training goals (technique and physical condition level) in the speed-strength disciplines.

SST_ZB1R - The biodynamic structure of complex motor actions (Russian - 1966,9a)

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SST_ZB2R - Some particularities of human work movements (Russian - 1969, 1)

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SST_ZB3R - The study of sportive technique biodynamic structure using the statistic method of multi factorial analysis (Russian - 1971, 9)

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SPECIAL STRENGTH TRAINING - List of articles SPECIAL STRENGTH TRAINING - List of articles   Minimize
 TitleCategoryModified DateSize (Kb) 
SST_TP1R - The improvement of training system for elite athletes in “strength speed” sport (Russian - 1981, 4)SST in POWER SPORTS9/23/20151,591.22Download
SST_TP2R - The influence of preliminary muscular tensions on the expression of isometric speed strength (Russian - 1988, 5)SST in POWER SPORTS9/23/2015499.73Download
SST_TJ5R - The prospects of strength speed preparation of high jumpers (Russian - 1966, 9b)SST for JUMPERS9/23/2015706.40Download
SST_TJ3R - The barbell in the training of jumpers (Russian - 1961, 6)SST for JUMPERS9/23/2015795.34Download
SST_TJ4R - Training of a beginner in the high jumping (Russian - 1962, 4)SST for JUMPERS9/23/20151,076.82Download
SST_ZB3R - The study of sportive technique biodynamic structure using the statistic method of multi factorial analysis (Russian - 1971, 9)BIOMECHANICS & SST9/23/2015757.62Download
SST_ZB4R - Organization of Complex Motor Actions of Athletes (Russian - 1998, 0)NEW in Biomechanics 9/23/20152,175.27Download
SST_ZB2R - Some particularities of human work movements (Russian - 1969, 1)BIOMECHANICS & SST9/23/20151,005.80Download
SST_TP3E – Development of Special Strength in Power Events (English – 1996)SST in POWER SPORTS9/23/2015223.78Download
SST_ZB1R - The biodynamic structure of complex motor actions (Russian - 1966,9a)BIOMECHANICS & SST9/23/2015198.08Download
SST_SM4R - The influence of shock method on the electro-myographic parameters of explosive movement (Russian - 1986, 7)SHOCK METHOD9/23/2015301.59Download
SST_TB1R - The jumping capacity: its structure and its specificity (Russian - 1970, 10)BASE of SST9/23/2015979.39Download
SST_SM3R - The shock method for the development of explosive strength in hockey players training (Russian - 1976, 1)SHOCK METHOD9/23/20151,264.89Download
SST_SM1R - Are the depth jumps useful? (Russian - 1967, 12)SHOCK METHOD9/23/2015414.52Download
SST_SM2R - The Shock Method in the explosive strength development process (Russian - 1968, 8)SHOCK METHOD9/23/20151,376.79Download
SST_TJ1R - How to prepare Sport Masters at University (Russian - 1960, 2)SST for JUMPERS9/23/2015530.28Download
SST_TJ2R - The triple jump forwarding 18 m. (Russian - 1961, 1)SST for JUMPERS9/23/2015494.57Download
SST_TB4R - The method to evaluate the speed strength capacity (Russian - 1979, 2)BASES of SST9/23/2015680.11Download
SST_TB2R - The components and functional structure of human explosive capacity (Russian - 1973, 6)BASES of SST9/23/20151,367.46Download
SST_TB3R - The children’s factorial structure of speed strength capacity (Russian - 1977, 1)BASE of SST9/23/2015946.30Download
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Shock Method  

Jump Training Guide for Beginners (EBook)

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Block Training System in endurance running (EBook)

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Special Strength Training: Manual for Coaches

Block Training System in endurance running

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Two EBoooks

Verkhoshansy's forum answers

Block Training System in endurance running

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